Why Africans have so much to tell the world about education

As UNESCO celebrates its 75th birthday, why Africans have much to tell the world about education – by Hon. Gbovadeh Gbilia Africa is often presented as a continent with the greatest of education challenges. Look at any of the statistics and it is obvious why that is the case. School attendance rates, literacy rates, teacher […]
Why this latest meeting of Nigeria’s Education Leaders is so crucial

Those in charge of basic – or primary – education in Nigeria meet together four times a year – Why this latest meeting of Nigeria’s Education Leaders is so crucial Those in charge of basic – or primary – education in Nigeria meet together four times a year. Their gathering in Benin City, Edo State […]
Remote Learning During COVID-19 Lockdown is Preventing Learning Loss in Nigeria

When the COVID-19 pandemic abruptly forced schools and businesses to close across Nigeria in March 2020, school girl Aisosa thought Christmas had come early. BENIN CITY, Edo State, Nigeria, December 8, 2021 — Like for most students worldwide, her school closure presented an extended period of holiday and unlimited hours of playtime with her friends. “The […]
A global education crisis : How can governments overcome learning losses in 2022?

A global education crisis : How can governments overcome learning losses in 2022? For two whole years, the Covid-19 health crisis has disrupted education systems worldwide and forced school closures which have impacted hundreds of millions of children. All of them have suffered learning loss. Some, though, have suffered more than others. In developed countries, […]
International Women’s Day 2022 – A chance to challenge gender norms and recover learning losses in girls’ education.

This year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) is more important than ever for promoting female participation in education, following two years of school closures across the globe. Girls’ education has suffered disproportionately. The COVID pandemic not only caused catastrophic learning losses from being out of school, but many girls have never returned to the classroom. This […]
EdoBEST 2.0 reform: A new chapter for Edo State Universal Basic Education

The expansion of the EdoBest Government-led program is now reaching junior secondary schools and progressive schools. The global disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic worsened learning poverty and exacerbated inequalities around the world. According to The World Bank, lockdown measures impacted more than 1.6 billion pupils. Yet, while some states struggled to provide high-quality education, others […]
Why The World Bank is such a fan of a Nigerian education reform program

The World Bank defines its mission in two ways – to end extreme poverty and to increase shared prosperity. With education a proven way to increase income for individuals and prosperity for whole societies, one way the Bank seeks to fulfill that mission is to seek out, support and invest in programs which transform education […]
Transformative learning: For the many, not the few

The quickest path to public school improvement may be through a better understanding of successful and equitable schools. Equitable schools succeed with all students, not just those with the most skills or most privilege. A new study proves NewGlobe methods accelerate learning for all students, especially those predicted to struggle the most academically. This study, […]
Only system change can save global education

Antonio Guterres is right – education systems are failing and need wholesale transformation The 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly – UNGA77 as it is universally known – has faced a great deal of urgent business. War in Ukraine, global food prices, energy prices, climate change. So it’s instructive that the UN Secretary-General […]