Invest in people, prioritize education.

“Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.”
Political momentum is increasing and progress is happening – A review of 2022

A review of 2022 Global learning is in crisis, a crisis further exacerbated by COVID-19 which had a devastating impact on global education. According to The World Bank “learning poverty”, measured by the share of 10-year-olds who cannot read a simple sentence, was already at 57% in low and middle-income countries before the pandemic; it […]
Why the GPE Summit is right to look beyond spending

Why the GPE Summit is right to look beyond spending Role of technology in improving learning outcomes When the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Summit opens on Wednesday it will turn the world’s attention to the gap in worldwide education provision. By its own estimate, more than 400 million children have been failed — […]
Why data is the answer to education Building Back Better

Why data is the answer to education Building Back Better When the United Nations 76th General Assembly (UNGA76) opens in New York on Tuesday it will do so still under the shadow of the global COVID pandemic. Unlike in 2020, when world leaders stayed away and delivered their pre-recorded speeches by video, this year’s gathering […]
How an exodus of young Nigerians spurred a rethink on schools

How an exodus of young Nigerians spurred a rethink on schools The governor of Edo State describes a radical overhaul that is attracting attention abroad It is the right of every child to receive a quality education. Denying anyone access is not just an abuse of their rights — it also reveals a catastrophic failure which must […]
Nigeria’s education reforms and President Buhari’s GPE commitments

Nigeria’s education reforms and President Buhari’s GPE commitments The Global Education Summit on Financing Global Partnership for Education (GPE) was successfully completed two weeks ago, and a letter signed by President Muhammadu Buhari calls for action which must not be ignored, writes Stephen Onyekwelu. Two weeks ago, President Muhammadu Buhari wrote and signed a commitment […]
UNGA76 reveals Global Education Data Gap

UNGA76 reveals Global Education Data Gap The world’s leaders have all spoken and the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly has ended. This year’s UNGA was a hybrid — part live event, part virtual — due to the continuing impact of the COVID pandemic. Some African leaders, such as President Buhari of Nigeria, chose to travel to […]
Why treating girls equally delivers for everyone

Why treating girls equally delivers for everyone The COVID pandemic has had terrible consequences across communities, across borders – and across generations. Young people may be less likely to fall seriously or fatally ill from the virus, but it has nevertheless affected them badly too. And that is especially true for girls and their education. […]
Why this latest meeting of Nigeria’s Education Leaders is so crucial

Those in charge of basic – or primary – education in Nigeria meet together four times a year – Why this latest meeting of Nigeria’s Education Leaders is so crucial Those in charge of basic – or primary – education in Nigeria meet together four times a year. Their gathering in Benin City, Edo State […]