How girls’ education is the next great driver of human capital

World Population Day, July 11, aims to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues. A theme for this year’s event is “how to safeguard health and rights of women and girls,” one that should draw attention towards education as both a fundamental human right and a means to uphold and advocate for one’s rights.
International Day of the African Child: Empowering the leaders of tomorrow

This International Day of the African Child, June 16, is arguably the most significant on record. 2023 is set to be the year when Sub-Saharan Africa leads the world as the region with the most young people (0-14) – the size and acceleration of this age cohort are historically unprecedented.
Unleashing the full potential of technology: A holistic approach to education transformation

The eLearning Africa annual conference, the largest and most comprehensive knowledge sharing event for technology-enhanced education, training and skills on the African continent, kicks off on the 24th of May.
What Africa can teach the world about the role of data in education transformation

The African programs supported by NewGlobe, underpinned by real-time data gathering, consistently demonstrate substantial learning gains through evidence-based improvements. If these kinds of results could be replicated at scale across public systems, students across the globe could see huge learning gains, pushing countries up education league tables to match those with incomes three or four times greater per person, and further strengthening countries with robust systems.
Crisis-affected children need education investment that empowers them to learn

The figures are clear – crisis-affected children are not receiving the learning support they need to succeed. As the global education community engages in conversation, a focus on solutions and outcomes is what will empower these students to learn.
Invest in people, prioritize education.

“Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.”
Political momentum is increasing and progress is happening – A review of 2022

A review of 2022 Global learning is in crisis, a crisis further exacerbated by COVID-19 which had a devastating impact on global education. According to The World Bank “learning poverty”, measured by the share of 10-year-olds who cannot read a simple sentence, was already at 57% in low and middle-income countries before the pandemic; it […]
Why the GPE Summit is about much more than donor money

Why the GPE Summit is about much more than donor money Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Summit The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Summit taking place on July 28th and 29th will focus a spotlight on the gap in education funding around the world. The GPE’s own estimate is that the annual gap […]
Why the GPE Summit is right to look beyond spending

Why the GPE Summit is right to look beyond spending Role of technology in improving learning outcomes When the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Summit opens on Wednesday it will turn the world’s attention to the gap in worldwide education provision. By its own estimate, more than 400 million children have been failed — […]