In the heart of Manipur, a quiet yet impactful transformation is taking place at Kumbi Sandhong Upper Primary School, under the guidance of Headmaster-in-Charge Khagembam Indrakumar Singh. Like many schools in developing regions, Kumbi Sandhong faced significant challenges in providing quality education, struggling with limited resources and infrastructure. However, with the support of the STAR Education program, Singh has been able to turn his school into a model of educational success in the Bishnupur district.
A Commitment to Change
Khagembam Indrakumar Singh became headmaster of Kumbi Sandhong Upper Primary School in 1995, inheriting a school with limited infrastructure and resources. Over the years, he worked tirelessly to improve the school, often using personal funds to hire additional teachers. The turning point came in January 2024 with the introduction of the STAR Education program, a partnership between NewGlobe and the government of Manipur, which led to a transformative shift in how education was delivered at the school.
After the STAR Education program began, Singh led his staff through an intensive 10-day training by NewGlobe. He actively implemented the program’s evidence-based teaching techniques specifically designed to enhance student learning outcomes.. With his guidance, teachers adopted detailed lesson plans and used real-time data to ensure consistent, high-quality instruction, even with limited resources.
Data-Driven Reforms for Long-Term Success
What truly distinguishes the STAR Education program is its focus on data-driven reforms.
Khagembam Indrakumar Singh’s experience shows how programs like STAR Education can bring meaningful change to education systems. In developing regions, small-scale efforts aren’t enough. We need solutions that work for entire communities and can last over time. At Kumbi Sandhong Upper Primary School, the STAR program, introduced in 2024, has made a big difference. Enrollment grew from 111 in 2021 to 190 in 2024, showing that parents trust the school more. Attendance has stayed steady at 80%, showing students are engaged. Kumbi Sandhong is one of hundreds of schools seeing similar progress, proving that these reforms can succeed even in areas with limited resources.
At Kumbi Sandhong, teachers utilise tablets to monitor real-time student performance, ensuring that learning gaps are quickly identified and addressed. This technology-enabled system not only ensures uniformity in lesson delivery but also enables students to receive the same quality of education as those in better-resourced environments.
Since the implementation of the STAR program, the school has achieved remarkable results: a 78% lesson completion rate, and 90% teacher attendance. The use of real-time data has been pivotal in ensuring that students not only attend school but also engage deeply in their learning. Singh highlights the importance of this structured, scalable approach, stating,
“STAR provides teachers with good lesson plans and supplemental lessons, leading to improvements in subjects like Mathematics and English. Students are now more attentive and engaged in their learning process.”
The Ripple Effect: From School to Community
The impact of the STAR Education program extends well beyond the classroom. Thanks to its structured approach and Singh’s leadership, parent-teacher engagement has greatly improved, fostering a stronger bond between the school and the local community. Regular parent meetings, along with proactive follow-ups on student attendance, have created a deeper connection and trust between educators and families.
Teacher Watham Raju Singh highlights the broader influence of the program:
“Regular parent counselling sessions have contributed significantly to student success. If STAR were implemented from the primary level and all teachers were trained, the impact would be even greater.”
As parents witness the positive changes in their children’s education, community support has grown, demonstrating that sustainable education reform is deeply rooted in localised involvement and stakeholder trust. By bringing parents and the broader community into the educational process, the STAR Education program showcases the importance of community engagement in ensuring the long-term success of reform efforts.
Shaping the Path Ahead
For Singh, the awards and recognition he has received, including the State Award for Teachers in 2013 and the National Teacher Award in 2017, are milestones, not end goals. His true mission is to bring about lasting change within the education system, built on the foundation of trust and support from the community.
“We are prepared to welcome every student that comes to us; we just need the community’s trust,” Singh explains.
Looking ahead, Singh is confident that the STAR Education program will continue to drive meaningful progress.
“Yes, it can bring a change in the education system if there is full cooperation among the teachers, headmasters, parents, government agencies, and the STAR Education team.”