What Africa can teach the world about the role of data in education transformation

The African programs supported by NewGlobe, underpinned by real-time data gathering, consistently demonstrate substantial learning gains through evidence-based improvements. If these kinds of results could be replicated at scale across public systems, students across the globe could see huge learning gains, pushing countries up education league tables to match those with incomes three or four times greater per person, and further strengthening countries with robust systems.
Why unlocking learning through improved literacy and foundational learning is more important than ever

The ability to read is a key skill, literally. It unlocks all other opportunities for children and provides the foundation on which all future learning rests. UN World Book and Copyright Day occurs annually on April 23 and strives to encourage a passion for reading.
The EKOEXCEL Situation Room: Unlocking the potential of visual data in education

The Situation Room highlights a NewGlobe program called Spotlight, which monitors real-time data, presenting it in a way that is easy to understand and focuses on key education indicators. With this, Lagos State education officials have transparency and oversight of the ongoing transformative educational interventions in EKOEXCEL schools.
Why the GPE Summit is about much more than donor money

Why the GPE Summit is about much more than donor money Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Summit The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Summit taking place on July 28th and 29th will focus a spotlight on the gap in education funding around the world. The GPE’s own estimate is that the annual gap […]
Why the GPE Summit is right to look beyond spending

Why the GPE Summit is right to look beyond spending Role of technology in improving learning outcomes When the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Summit opens on Wednesday it will turn the world’s attention to the gap in worldwide education provision. By its own estimate, more than 400 million children have been failed — […]
Why data is the answer to education Building Back Better

Why data is the answer to education Building Back Better When the United Nations 76th General Assembly (UNGA76) opens in New York on Tuesday it will do so still under the shadow of the global COVID pandemic. Unlike in 2020, when world leaders stayed away and delivered their pre-recorded speeches by video, this year’s gathering […]
Nigeria’s education reforms and President Buhari’s GPE commitments

Nigeria’s education reforms and President Buhari’s GPE commitments The Global Education Summit on Financing Global Partnership for Education (GPE) was successfully completed two weeks ago, and a letter signed by President Muhammadu Buhari calls for action which must not be ignored, writes Stephen Onyekwelu. Two weeks ago, President Muhammadu Buhari wrote and signed a commitment […]
UNGA76 reveals Global Education Data Gap

UNGA76 reveals Global Education Data Gap The world’s leaders have all spoken and the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly has ended. This year’s UNGA was a hybrid — part live event, part virtual — due to the continuing impact of the COVID pandemic. Some African leaders, such as President Buhari of Nigeria, chose to travel to […]
A global education crisis : How can governments overcome learning losses in 2022?

A global education crisis : How can governments overcome learning losses in 2022? For two whole years, the Covid-19 health crisis has disrupted education systems worldwide and forced school closures which have impacted hundreds of millions of children. All of them have suffered learning loss. Some, though, have suffered more than others. In developed countries, […]